
about all music being performances of 4′33″ in places where other bands happen to be playing

Silence lies underneath us all in the same waythe Nile has a river underneath ten times as large(although this is an urban legend, apparently).

So underneath truth or legend, flowing bythe feel of their own silence, move the stars:silence lies underneath us all in the same way.

John Cage, I think, understood this: the waythat, in a silent room, one still hears the nerves(although this is an urban legend, apparently),

or the heart, which I find more easilybelievable: there simply is no way that, by and large,silence lies underneath us all in the same way.

There must be different silences, because wehave different songs to drown them out, different gods(although these are urban legends, apparently).

But is not all sound one sound? You and Iare two faces to the same head, the same body.Silence lies underneath us all in the same way—although this is an urban legend, apparently.